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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

The social economy is the theme of the international conference on the development, inclusion and sustainability of Italian suburbs. Luca Gori, researcher at the Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute of the Sant'Anna School, among the speakers

Publication date: 13.10.2022
Convegno terzo settore 2
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Luca Gori, assistant professor at the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, is among the speakers at the conference 'Third sector protagonist of the social economy. Proximity, inclusion, development and sustainability in the suburbs' (Rome on 13 and 14 October). The event is part of the programme of the Italian presidency of the Monitoring Committee of the Luxembourg Declaration on Social and Solidarity Economy in Europe, signed in 2015, which underlines the importance of the social economy.

Inclusion and social cohesion e coesione sociale

The main themes of the conference are: speeches on inclusion and social cohesion, studies on places where inequalities are exacerbated, such as the Italian suburbs, and proposals for their redevelopment within the policies of our country. Luca Gori, appointed by the current Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Andrea Orlando, as a member of the scientific committee for the promotion of the social economy, will speak with the report 'Shared administration: a tool for participation in decision-making processes'.